[From correspondent Jennifer Z, on location at Lake Michigan:]
So, I try not to use electronics at the michigan house, except the basics, especially in "light " of Armageddon 2012. But loooook what I found in a crawl space 5 minutes ago behind my bed. Behold. It was stuck behind on old timey makeup/hair suitcase you take on a plane with a Bermuda sticker on it with a delta luggage tag circa 1971 . Inside, some hairpieces. And behind it, a pile of vinyl, on top of which was....
Oh yeah. Happy independence day ladies!!!!!! Look closely - they sing hang on sloopy?!?!? I am so finding my record player when I get home and provided that there's power, we are going to PARTY like its 1971. It can be our bday celebration !!!!!!!
Holy toledo! That is AWESOME A GO GO!! Let's dance ourselves silly!!!