Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Fabrics That Started It All

On my second trip to Joann's this week  (I know! I know! I'm obsessed), I thought I should get some pictures of the other fabrics that freaked Lynne & I out. I mean, some random lady actually checked on us because she heard one of us say "I think I might die from heart failure!" and she wanted to make sure we were okay. And yes, physically we were fine. But mentally? Emotionally? DESTROYED. And here is why.

This is the fabric that started our descent into Adorable Overload. That wee, sweet owl! Sitting so innocently in that pentagon of tree branches! SO CUTE!!! And it's on the softest, snuggliest baby blanket cotton flannel. LOVE IT!! And as we were reeling from this one, along came the next print:

OH MAN. IT HURTS! Seriously, if that's not the best, most fantastic, most fun and adorable print you've ever seen, well, sorry that your life stinks so much that you can't enjoy this. Birds! Flowers! Hearts! Trees! Royalty! I have no idea what's going on exactly, I just know that I looooooooooove it. I think if Lynne & I ever end up living in the same house, we might try to find a way to cover the entire house in this print. It's SO DAMN AMAZING! And while this one was still forcing us to practically hyperventilate, we found one that almost broke Lynne.

Behold! The crazy, 1970's mushrooms of perfection!! SO CUTE!!! I want a skirt made out of this. A retro, patch pocket, button front, rick-racked skirt that I can wear & feel groovy & sassy & earth mama. Maybe I want a matching headscarf. WHY NOT? With a print this cute, you can never have too much! Never, I say!

And so there you have it. The Fabrics That Started It All. (this post should be sponsored by Joann's, but it isn't so it's all coming from the true & pure love I have for that goddamn store.)


  1. OMG, the two of us living in the same house? We'd have the entire place covered in owls and mushrooms and lemons and birds and wee hedgehogs and baby goats would be wandering around the place licking wee popsicles!!!! Someone should actually give us a grant or something to make this happen. I ask you, wouldn't the world be a better place with a house like that in it??

  2. HOLY TOLEDO IT WOULD BE AWESOME!!! But just baby goats, right? And yeah, I'm pretty sure we'd have adorable everything all over the place. Probably just bolts & bolts of fabric, so we could look at it & squeal. I really think this would be crazy awesome!

  3. I am currently trying to convince my boyfriend to get a tiny fainting goat for our new home. He hates mowing for two hours so its pretty much a win/win. And I will just tell the city of Delaware it is my dog since goats aren't allowed. Pure genius I say!

  4. I'm trying to convince my husband to do the same thing! Maybe we should set up a goat-share program!

  5. Marion, how can he argue with this logic? It's perfect. Tiny fainting goats for all of us!! Plus then the tiny fainting goat can be pals with the teacup pigs we're getting, right? Tiny animals need other tiny animals to have as pals!!

  6. Teacups pigs???? EGADS, I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THESE!!!!!!

    Seriously I'm imagining one of them walking down a cobblestone path, hand in hand with a tiny fainting goat, talking about the news of the day. One of them (the pig, I'm thinking) maybe has a tiny parasol borrowed from one of our tropical-themed cocktails that we would undoubtedly have every day upon our adorably decked out patio. The other would maybe have a tiny top hat and cane, and they'd be the cutest BFFs ever!!!!
