Wednesday, June 27, 2012

For Lynne

In light of Lynne's recent Goodtimes Experience with Camp Forms & Doctor's Offices, I thought she could use some cheering up. Here's stuff that will make you feel better!

Ha! Wear it to the Dr's office, to make yrself feel better. Or the DMV. (or is it the BMV?  I can never remember. Also I don't really care. It should be called The Place Where Your Soul Goes To Die) But definitely wear it with these:

SO AWESOME! Seriously, wanna go in with me & get these? Take that, LiveStrong! I've got sassy attitude on my wrist! And then, for all your sticker love, have these:

Yay! Now you can always have this at yr fingertips to cheer you up. And since it's designed & made here in Columbus, OH, you can represent the 614 in sassy style!

PS - Seriously, go check out These Are Things. They rule!


  1. Omg, that is so much better than the photo of Brussels sprouts that I sent her. Well played.

  2. OMG OMG OMG!LOVE IT! Especially the stickers! Good LORD that's awesome!!! And I kind of want the shirt and bracelet to wear to a book burning or to stand next to an anti-gay protest or something and point out the haters! And eat those delicious-looking brussels you sent me Jennifer!!! Wow! Thanks for the love you guys!
